Low cost life insurance Guide

Thursday, January 31, 2013
As anybody who owns a listed building already knows; finding comprehensive insurance which doesn’t break the bank requires a Herculean effort. And with approximately 350,000 properties listed in England and Wales; it’s a task that’s faced by a large number of homeowners every year.

Low cost life insurance

Low cost life insurance Listed buildings have been judged to be of special architectural or historical interest to the nation and are protected for future generations to enjoy. The chances are that if your property was built before 1700 it is likely to be listed, Low cost life insurance and if it was built between and 1840 it may well be of ‘architectural merit’.

Low cost life insuranceThe majority of listed buildings in  cost life insurance and Wales are ‘Grade 2’ denoting a property of ‘Special Interest’, while Low cost life insurance the criteria and categories are slightly different for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Low cost life insurance There strict are restrictions governing changes made to listed buildings (both inside and out), and unauthorised alterations can lead to stiff financial penalties and even prison.Low cost life insurance  At the very least your local authority will demand that your property is returned to its original condition.

Low cost life insurance Listed buildings insurance is a specialist product and consequently you’ll need to find a specialist broker. Because rebuild costs are higher than for modern properties you should expect higher premiums. However, with the help of the right provider to accurately assess the rebuild costs; you might be pleasantly surprised.

Low cost life insurance It’s also worth considering additional cover for alternative accommodation as repairing historical properties can be a time consuming business. And of course don’t forget to choose a combined policy to include your household contents.Low cost life insurance

Low cost life insurance

Low cost life insurance To find out more Direct can tailor a listed buildings insurance quote to fit your individual property call our dedicated ‘non standard’ home insurance team on Tel: 0800 089 04767 or visit our Low cost life insurance.


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